About Youth Ministries…

Pewee Valley Presbyterian Youth Ministries

In partnership with families, the Youth Ministry at Pewee Valley Presbyterian Church seeks to bear witness to Christ’s self-giving love in the church and the world.  We seek to involve students under its care, to encourage them to live independently in Christ as they grow into men and women of integrity who will transform their homes and engage the world they encounter for Christ.

As a community, we strive to be theologically engaged in the whole ministry of the church, interpreting our lives through the texts, traditions and experiences of this particular congregation and in relationship with the reformed practices of our faith as we live them out in the world we encounter.

We have an amazing group of teenagers here at PVPC with a commitment to:

Glorify and enjoy God
through choir, leading liturgy, greeting, musical gifts, elder leadership and the sharing of personal statements of faith.  This is most evident when the youth write the liturgy, share the message, and take leadership of the Christmas Eve Communion Service each year.
Participate in Mission Outreach and Service
in meaningful opportunities for living out the living gospel in both church and community.  In the past, our youth have participated in leadership of our Vacation Bible School, Habitat for Humanity, visitation at Friendship Manor, service with Wayside Christian Missions, partnering with the South Oldham Inter Church Council, sorting and supplying clothes closets and food pantries, mentoring at Bellewood Presbyterian Home for Children, Lott’s Creek Settlement School in southeastern Kentucky, traveled and served with Living Waters for the World to Guatemala and responded to natural disasters in Eastern Kentucky.
Our bodies are indeed God’s temple as God resides within and around each and every one.  Our youth tend to the building of community and strengthening the body of Christ through a strong sense of relationships, interaction and connection with all whom they meet.  In practice, there is an emphasis on self-respect, health awareness, acknowledgement of limitations and celebration of gifts and talents, a healthy sense of competition through Running the Good Race; Fighting the Good Fight.  Our community teaches healthy socialization, challenges the development of personal and communal values, the respect for rules and boundaries while at the same time pushing the individual to push the limits of growing edges in faith.  We practice this aspect of our faith through Amazing Games, Ultimate Frisbee, intense foosball challenges, volleyball, bowling, team courses, climbing Lookout Mountain, paintball, sardines, rock-climbing, and so much more!