The Organ Fund

WHY An Organ Fund?

WE BELIEVE:  The pipe organ is a valuable and important instrument in our sacred space of worship where God’s people use their hearts and voices to sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs.

Our previous sanctuary organ was installed in 1925 by The Henry Pilcher Organ Company of Louisville.  It was partially refurbished in 1974.  After 90 years of tuning, repairs, and normal deterioration, our Session, at the request of the Music Ministry Team, agreed to a major overhaul.  In the fall of 2013 the Session approved the formation of an “Organ Fund” to support a new and exciting upgrade.

The Journey So Far

In 2009, a music team was established to seek out a new choir director and to oversee the development of a vibrant music program for the church.  A director was hired and a plan was developed.  Following this plan, a new elder position was created to represent and oversee the music ministry of the church.  Additionally, the physical layout of the choir loft was changed to accommodate a much larger choir.  A camera system linking the organist with the choir director was installed.  A music donation program involving the congregation was developed.  Special summer music programs were started as a means of outreach to the community.

The next step in our journey was to upgrade the organ.

The Final Steps

We are excited to be working with Rivierstad Church Organ Consultants which converted our past instrument into a state-of-the-art Johannus hybrid organ. 

The most notable differences of the upgrade…we’ve grown from five to 66 independent ranks.
The new organ uses the existing rank of large exposed pipes.  The two-manual console has been replaced with a new three-manual console matching the present wood type, color and design.  Existing wind chests will remain for the large pipes, the existing blower have been replaced and the swell shutters eliminated.

The most notable differences of the upgrade, from the congregation’s standpoint, is in the tremendous quality of sound improvement as we’ve grown from five to 66 independent ranks.  From the aspect of the organist, it has added more versatility in voicing and provides many more options with respect to the music played.  From the standpoint of the choir, it affords wider choices for their music selections.  All of these improvements translate into a much stronger music program for our church and community.


SEE PHOTOS of the transformation

HEAR the instrument

Support The Journey

“We leave thy voice to speak within these walls in the years to come when ours are still.”  –  the inscription on the organ in Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, England

Checks should be made to:  Pewee Valley Presbyterian Church, in care of/memo “The Organ Fund.”  Our mailing address is listed below.  If you have any questions, please email Jim Trimpe, (Finance/Elder on Session), or Sis Sleadd (Music Ministry/Elder on Session).